YPI has been featured in prominent newspapers including the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times.


See the impact that several years of implementation of YPI had on the Franklin Field community, a housing development that was known to be one of the most dangerous in the entire Boston area.
TESTIMONY - Angel & Sammy
Listen to the experiences of Angel and Sammy, a youth and an officer who participated in a YPI together in Chelsea, MA, and developed a relationship during the program that has blossomed into a long-lasting friendship.
YPI ONLINE - Program & Follow-up
Learn more about the online version of YPI: created during the pandemic, it has proven to be a successful way to build trust between youth and police following CDC guidelines, as well as a great avenue to keep in touch after an in-person program.
YPI IN-PERSON - Kansas City, MO
Follow a Youth and Police Initiative cohort as participants engage in activities and exercises, getting to know each other while building trust at the Boys and Girls Club of Greater Kansas City.
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If you have any questions about YPI, please contact us!
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